Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Monk’s Cafe Flemish Sour Ale

(Belgium, Brouwerij Van Steenberge N.V,. 5.5 % EtOH)

What a way to start the blog. I snatched this on a whim and have had mixed feelings since first sip. Of course, the question of "what would happen if I dissolved a Lemonhead (it's a type of candy, eat one) in hard cider and then drank said concoction ...?" has been undeniably answered. At least the title isn't deceptive, although I can't recall what the Flemish taste like. Don't drink this one warm. 

On a more generous note, it's much lighter on the stomach than the deep mahogany color would suggest, and I'm sure you could guzzle down pints of this stuff and suffer only from horrible acid reflux that evening.

2.5 Jenkins (I wouldn't turn down a free one)

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