Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Arrogant Bastard Ale

(Stone Brewing Co., California, 7.2% EtOH)

My wife told me that this one would be very fitting for me. And I can tell you she was spot on! She’s always had good taste.

The back of every bottle of “Bastard” comes with a lengthy monologue that has very little to do with the beer itself, but everything to do with giving people who drink alone something to read (not...that I....ever do that...very often...). The website has even more jibber jabber about how they’re special and how YOU’RE special for liking their beer (You aren’t special. You’re reading this alone, in the dark, drunk and soiled, aren’t you? As if you had better things to do).

If you’re a fan of pale ales and IPA’s, this is a must-try. It’s assertive without being overly aggressive; it has a calculated balance of hop flavor and a distinct, desirable bitter finish. “Bastard” and I will meet again, I assure you.

4 Jenkins (This bastard is going to make me fat)

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