Monday, August 29, 2011

Old Chub Scotch Ale

(Oskar Blues Brewery, Colorado US, 8.0% EtOH)
Bwa ha ha!  Ok, no penis jokes, I swear. Instead...

Why do Scottish men wear kilts?  Sheep can hear a zipper a mile away...

(Random person to Scotsman) Hey, your mother-in-law called while you were out.   (Scotsman) Oh?  (Random person): Yeah, she said to tell you BAAAAAAAAA!

The Scottish adaptation of a famous Rolling Stones song?  Hey, McCloud, get of of my Ewe!

Have you heard of the latest Scottish sex aid?  Velcro gloves.

I hear the Scottish have a new use for Sheep!  Wool.

Why are there women in Scotland?  Apparently sheep can't cook....

By the way, in case you're not getting the phrases on the top of a can of Old Chub, you need to go see So I Married an Axe Murderer. Unless you just hate Mike Myers.

Lot of flavor-taste in this wacky libation. It's rich with caramel nuances, malts, and smoked peat-boggy goodness, if that's your thing. Definitely for those with a particular taste in beer, or if you want a beer that somehow compliments your glass of scotch.

3 Jenkins (Bless me bagpipes!)

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